Sunday, October 30, 2011

Accepting Special Orders for the Holidays Now ~

Hard to believe it is only 58 days until Christmas! ecSabun welcomes special orders for the holidays ~ we can package and wrap your gifts for your family, friends, staff, or corporate parties. Choose from all natural handmade soaps, lip balms, lavender sachets, and/or eye pillows. Please note: last day for special order soap is Nov. 15 so soaps can cure and be ready for the holidays. Email us at for details. 

各位朋友,现在离聖誕節的日子只剩下58天呢! 还在为送什么礼物给您的亲朋戚友而伤脑筋吗?没关系,ecSabun 今天开始接受圣诞节的訂單哦〜我们有天然手工肥皂(手工皂特别订单截止日期15-11-2010),天然香薰唇膏,薰衣草香袋,和薰衣草眼枕,任君选择。我們可以為你的家人,朋友,工作人員,或企業伙伴制作包裝精美的禮物。详情请联络。

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